Jonne Väisänen
research-driven artist based in Prague and Budapest
“Jonne Väisänen (*1994, Kuopio, Finland) was awarded an MA degree from UMPRUM Prague in 2020, a photography studio led by Aleksandra Vajd. His artistic activity is focused on materialization and visualization of current social themes of connected European spaces. This geopolitically defined space with its diverse combined histories and contemporalities is still undergoing a process of identification within the wider global environment. Real social context is the source of his artistic working material. Our current reality and social debate is happening on different levels that are not always material and permanent, despite the full dynamic of our neoliberal society being present. Jonne Väisänen works with this immaterial material, the character of which is dynamically changing, to achieve processual outcomes. When we look at it from a distance, we can observe some performative or action art aspects in his work that otherwise comprises typical physical/visual artwork. We find ourselves embedded within a process where the immaterial materializes.”†